Capture a unique moment

Babies grow so quickly, and there isn’t really a way to hold onto their “babyness”. To never forget how little they were, frame baby’s hands and feet!

The sky is the limit – if you have an idea, let’s discuss it and see what we can do!

What we do

Colour variations and add-on’s such as plaques & vinyl stickers are available.

Age and size of child determine the price and size of frame.

Hands & Feet



Pregnant Belly


Fingerprint Jewelry

Sterling or Fine Silver

Angel Babies

Casting Kits


I also offer alternatives to this price list as we’re always open to new ideas.

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Bronzed shoes
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Cast with engraving
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Foot in heart
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Name frame
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Shelf stands
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Praying hands
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How it works

I cast by applying alginate (non-toxic) to your baby’s hand or foot. The material dries quickly and once I have removed the mold, I can fill it with plaster of paris. After a few hours, I break away the mold from the cast and will be left with an exact replica of the hand or foot. I then clean the cast and apply finishing touches before framing it.

The sky is the limit – if you have an idea, let’s discuss it and see what we can do!